A report on God’s favorite pro football team, and a priest who loves them…….

As a person who has had a stroke, you sometimes hear me mention struggles, and occasionally those revolve around confusion. By the time I finally went to bed last night I was perhaps more confused as I ever have been, and surprisingly, it had nothing to do with my stroke.

Yep, I stayed up and watched my beloved Chicago Bears play Brett Farve and the Minnesota Vikings last night on Monday night football. After all, I figured I was already in pain, I would just stay up and watch the Bears get clocked, be a fantastic arm-chair quarterback, and go to bed with the hopes my team would at least show up next year.

Why the confusion? Well, they actually showed up last night and beat the Vikings! I had to keep pinching myself to see if I was awake, and then even for awhile thought I was probably unconscious in a hospital somewhere and when I woke up I would see reality. But in fact I was awake, not dreaming, and actually I can confess, quite pleased. We already had a ton of injuries, and two of our starters were hurt and taken off the field in a scary way (on stretchers and carts) during the game. But in the end every remaining Bear stepped up and at times looked like the Bears of old.

Occasionally the Good Lord allows us a vision of the Promised Land even when we are deep into the wilderness. And last night there were times when I saw the milk and honey! After hurting all day yesterday, and even hurting all day today, remembering last night eased my suffering immensely.

We are still going no where this year, but for one night I had a glimpse. Thank you Lord for that….I would ask Him to ease my pain, but I think He would agree that His priority needs to be getting our starters back pronto!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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