The future Guy Lafleur…….

Yep, we went, and it was spectacular! Ben was a bit wobbly on his skates walking onto the ice, and a bit more wobbly on it, but soon he was running like he was in shoes off and balancing real well out skating. As a life-long skater myself it gave me great pride. I am now ready to get him a stick and a helmet! (And of course the mouth guard which is a necessity in ice hockey. It’s a lesson I learned the hard way…..yes, I fit the stereotype…I have lost teeth to a stick to the mouth!)

It was an amazing time. The only problem for me was I was that I was wearing a new pair of skates, which is not quite ideal for what we were there for. My feet hurt like mad, and they probably will for the next few times we skate as they get broken in, but it was well worth it. Ben at two and a half is a real natural on skates. (genetics, genetics, genetics!)

Amanda did not get out there with us, but she did film and smile from off the ice. That was a real blessing, in that she was scared to death that he would die on the ice. (She is not yet the hockey mom she will be.) Stephanie had to work, so it was just Scott and I that supervised his first venture out onto the ice. Yep, the other two kids skate too. When your dad was an ice hockey player things like that are just a requirement. Ben has a lot of passionate teachers!

The great thing is that as Ben gets better this will give us all another fun family thing to do. Plus with his brother and sister both driving, I am sure they will hit the rink without us at times too.

The best part was how Ben wailed and cried as we took off his skates! Yep, he wanted to get back out their. It’s clearly in his blood….thank God, because it is in mine as well. I hope you enjoy the picture.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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