A picture is apparently worth a thousand words…..

First of all, Happy New Year from the Tirman’s! We have had quite a day and although it is about 10:15 it is not quite over. Though we breed and show Golden Retrievers, we are thinning down to one dog here for a while. And with the cold that means that remaining two, the boys Viper and Bernard, are coming into the house from their outdoor pen. We are bathing, grooming, and praying……praying for the very best. After all, Bernard is two days away from being 1, and quite mischievous! We hope to have him placed into a home within the next few days.

But the big news is that though this is my 530th post, I have only posted pictures TWICE…..but both times I got a big response. Thank you for all the kind words about how cute Ben was…..it makes me almost forget that NO ONE said anything about me! But it did make me think, not just about growing my hair and losing weight, but that pictures would add quite a bit the the things that I share about my family and the church. I talked with Amanda about it, and have decided to try and share one every day.

The one I am posting today is of the kids as we set up the tree. Steph is the pretty one, and then there are the twins…..Scott and Ben. Technically, Scott is older, but often it is hard to tell.

Keep us in your prayers as we add two more boys inside to the two we already keep here, Scott and Ben. It is a herd of potential trouble, we know, but we love them and are committed to making it work!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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