As one door opens and another closes….or something like that

Life is often interesting living with a toddler, and it always seems to be with Ben. He is in that shut and open every door I see 10,000 times, and the same is true with turning off and on light. It is always so cute at the start, but after a while it grates!

So far, he has yet to shut his fingers in the door, but the odds are already WAY against him. What he has appeared to become an expert in is shutting doors into my face as I am walking toward him. Of course everyone else thinks it’s funny, but I have broken my nose before and it is about all I think about in that nanosecond before the door hits me. Sure he has the benefit of being cute and my son, so it is doubtful that revenge would be an option, but in truth, I really don’t want to see it get that far. At 16 and 18, Steph and Scott make messes and it is I that shut the door so as to have to look at it. There has to be an age where that transition takes place. I just pray if it is not tonight that it is tomorrow.

Keep praying for him, and if you see me later in the week I will most probably be the guy with that bandage across my nose!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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