Day two of the boys in the house full time……….

Today is the second day of having our two male dogs, Viper and Bernard, in the house full time. Until we get Bernard placed in a loving home I am sure there are going to be plenty of times I am going to regret converting that dog room into craft-central. I really should have agreed to that post-placement. Viper, the dad (Charisma’s AngelCreek SnakenShake), is very easy going and loves to lay around and sleep. Bernard, the son, (AngelCreek’s I Ain’t No Saint) is a typical mischievous pup (he turned 1 today…happy birthday B). He looks so angelic in his picture, doesn’t he? But though he is still quite sweet and angelic-looking, he is really now “moose-size” and interested in playing all the time. The cat has also filed a complaint about his incessant need to chase her too.

Though chaotic, it is still a lot of fun. Ben thinks he lives in a petting zoo, and they enjoy being in the thick of things. So I suppose even they would have voted for the craft room had I asked……

Anyway, it has been a long long long day, and I am going to hit the hay. Fortunately the herd sleeps with Scott, so I will have a bit of peace. But tomorrow I know it starts again.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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