Happy Birthday Steph……

Though my sister Stephanie died in 2001, I never fail to remember today, January 4th, her birthday. Steph was an amazing woman, and though we spent most of our lives in the typical brother/sister adversarial relationship, I have to confess I miss her terribly. My daughter was named for her and they enjoyed 10 great years together before Steph died. And though I wish she was still here, I thank God for her and for the time I had with her.

Though many people just knew her as a young woman who fought cancer for 15 years, she was so much more than that. Often they looked at her broken body, overlooking her as a person, and never understanding at one time she was a first class NCAA all-around gymnast. She could stand in one spot and flip from front to back or back to front landing within inches from where she launched. She could run through a series of flips and handsprings, finishing by flying five or six feet into the air in some sort of contorting move and landing cleanly. At 4’6″ and 75 pounds, she competed with often with taped ankles and wrists, but always a smile. She never complained, and it was a trait she carried from athletics into fighting for her life. She was the epitome of a fighter, never weak, and thankful for each and every day. And you know, if I end this life even half as brave and dedicated as she was, it would a spectacular life. The two pictures with the baby are actually Steph with her niece, my daughter Stephanie.

Steph would have been 47 today. I think about her and my sister Sarah everyday. I love them, and I miss them both.

Happy Birthday Steph.


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