Way too much of a good thing…….

I am pretty much a man’s man, and I always have a problem with the boys doing things too girly, but when you are the dad of a toddler, often you just need to turn your head. Ben thinks it is cool to wear anyone’s shoes, including Stephanie’s and Amanda’s. And if it were not for his incessant need to whip stuff across the room and tear apart things like a tornado, I would be worried.

I will post the manly retraction evidence of this tomorrow, but tonight he was given some Toy Story chap-stick, cherry-flavored, and being the tough guy he is, he refused to allow anyone to help him. The picture shows what a stellar job he did. And though he looks utterly ridiculous, the good news is that he put so much on that his lips will not chap until 2024.

In an effort to do my part, I think I am going to go and scrub him down. Thank God it was just chap-stick……kids this age do all sorts of strange stuff.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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