Waiting on the porch and granting equal time…..

Winter, though I love it, does mean that Puddy and I cannot get out on the porch each night for our glass of wine (okay, the wine is normally mine) and the writing of these entries. And what makes matters worse for her is that Viper is now in the house full-time taking up what she clearly feels is her space.

Cats are really some of the strangest of all of God’s creatures. We have to check and see if the dog is even breathing half the time because of his lack of movement, but a cat has to claim ALL the space. If you go to sleep she is there where you are at. At dinner, there too. And if you try to watch TV she is on the arm of the couch. Cats seem rather efficient, particularly since they sleep approximately 23 hours of a 24 hour day.

But our longing for the porch we do have in common……and it is just a couple of months away. The snow is but a temporary inconvenience, and our space we will reclaim.

But tonight I just keep shooing her away from me as I type. I apparently am in her space, after all the dog is already in bed……go figure.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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