He’s onto me……

Oh sure, I remember the chap-stick incident of 2010, and I also remember my promised retraction pictures. But even at his young age, Ben is clearly smarter than me. He not only weasels his way into what was once my spot, the prime spot in my wife’s field of vision, but he now sleeps in our bed like it is his. He gets his back scratched, all her attention, and he is even working on the dog. And if all that were not enough, his obsessive need to wear cowboy boots so I can print a picture of him looking manly, has all but disappeared…..not because of anything other than he knows I want it! He is way too smart. I am confident he probably sneaks out at night to work for the government or something.

Anyway, I intend to wait him out. I am older, more patient, and highly motivated. And, since he is just two, if waiting does not work I will dive into his college fund and buy a copy of Photoshop and make my own.

Of course even if I could, he would still have the last laugh. After all, he has my number, and I know he will be telling me so……in a few short minutes probably when we both try to sleep in that same bed.

Pray for me, he’s tricky! (but I’ll keep him!)

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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