Our future’s so bright we gotta wear shades……..

What a spectacular weekend! Father Michael Henry, a long time priest in another part of the Communion, was finally licensed and able to celebrate today at Christ the King. It was a marvelous thing too. Michael has been a part of our ministry for over a year and it was a blessing for all of us.

In fact, all our churches reported great blessings today, and it made the entire day quite enjoyable. Too often on a day when things go this well the phrase “it’s just all too good to be true” comes into mind, and then the bottom falls out! Today was no such day. We were solid from beginning to end, and nothing was held together with duct tape!

And of course I did not have my camera all day! I am surprised I didn’t see Elvis or Bigfoot. But in the end, I can take it to heart that I not only witnessed it, but was a part of it. It may not seem like a huge thing, but for as expansive as our ministry is, a day like to day is a real encouraging blessing!

Our future is looking bright, as is any future that walks in the light! If you are not already, I hope you consider being a part. In terms of the ministry of Christ, there is always plenty to do……..and it would be a great blessing to have you join us in doing it!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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