Coming to the realization that I am not as cool as I thought……

At church the other day some people were talking about the Extreme Home Makeover show that apparently did something to a house around here. Let me start by saying, yes, I have heard of the show but I have not watched it. I know very little about the current shows because I am living a life of apparent indentured servitude to my wife and kids. I watch the news and HGTV to learn more about fixing my house!

So there I was at church, “semi-hip” I suppose, in that at least I knew it was a show. But then they started talking about some sort of exhibit, and wrapping, and the way they were talking got me totally lost. But after being enlightened, apparently this exhibit is actually a celebrity……a celebrity that cannot spell because he doesn’t use the “e” or an “h,” but adds an “x” and a “z.” That’s right, it is xzibit. And there is no wrapping involved at all….it is rap, which is defined as a genre, by whom I do not know. He is one of those guys who talks and yells, and shakes his hands at the camera wearing all that “bling” (see I got one right) and people go nuts. As you might be able to tell, I am no fan of rap…..but exhibit is a apparently a pretty good guy because I know the show is about helping people. I have heard he is pretty awesome with cars!

But it disturbed me at how out of touch I have become with the modern world, so I thought I would do my best to catch up. I came home and turned on the TV, and I read about the most recent stuff. The picture (see above) is actually part of my plan. After reading about Avatar, which I believe is a remake of the Smurfs, I decided I am giving all the kid’s lectures now in 3-D. I am not certain it will work, but it is all part of my plan to be cool once again. Pray for me, I clearly am going to need all the help I can get.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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