Whining and dining in style……..

After a long day of work, we (Amanda, Ben, and I) met at Cheeseburger in Paradise for dinner. Ben, who had been spectacular with ME up to that point decided to throw a fit…..all over the amazing toddler issue of not being able to hold his milk himself.

Prior to that, I had about two full hours of toddler comments about every singe solitary detail of our trip. I needed some things for work tomorrow, so we went from the babysitter to Staples, to Walmart, to Kohls, to Bed Bath and Beyond, to Office Max, to Brookstone, to Fry’s, and then to dinner. There were approximately 500,000 things to see on that trip and he commented on them all, and all beginning with “Daddy,……” We started with the sun, and then where did it go? And from there trees, fire trucks, and all the other things that entered into his field of vision.

In truth, I/we had a blast. We laughed and chased each other around all those stores. He rarely wanted in a cart, and felt like a real big guy with all that freedom. AND, he had people in every store cracking up laughing with all his antics. It was a great time.

But at Cheeseburger in Paradise he was suddenly corralled. Into the highchair and no big-boy freedom….sort of like marriage without the highchair . And the delightful little man, within the first time spent with his mom today, made sure everyone saw him there too…..not just in a good way!

So tonight we spent some time whining and dining Amanda. Ironically they came home and both went to their respective beds! My adventure is over, and so is the noise. Thank God for the day’s end. I will hopefully be sleeping well tonight.

Goodnight to you my friends and God Bless.


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