Men at Work……….

I have to say that it has been a rough day.  Yes, the waterproofing company was back again today and will be here again tomorrow as it has been determined that the system they installed (the second one) was not just far from finished, but that most of it, if not all of it on the INSIDE of the house, needs to be replaced.  It will (hopefully) be done tomorrow.

So I am not in a good mood, and more than that, neither is my wife.  We had a lot of the finish work done and it will need to be undone in some places.  I cannot tell you how stressful all this has been or how much time I have had to be here so they can work.  But hopefully today will be the end of it.  It will need to be though as I have told them that this is their last chance.

So I needed a win and I was reminded of my wife’s refusal of my proposition (no, get your minds in the right places) to start sharing my office with me.  Where my stroke-induced OCD makes me very controlling about space in my office, her OCD (which she comes by naturally) is the organization kind……she can’t come in here without moving things she feels are out of place and I can’t stand her moving them.  So rather than a domestic call to the police, as she is a yellow belt and I am ju
st a white belt, she graciously declined.

But Ben, who has a space to do all his “stuff” downstairs, didn’t want to be downstairs for most of the day.  He instead was in my office….yes, the one I occupy alone, but I am not bitter.  And he not only made a mess and got into about everything, but he also kept standing between me and my desk asking me to draw or print “just one more Ironman 3 picture.”  

So I decided I needed a win.  And I had what I am convinced was a God-given idea to make my day, and my life better.  So since he is in here all the time, I asked him if he wanted to share an office with me.

Needless to say, he was pretty excited.   I bought him a desk, brought a chair in from his room, and he started work as a very surprised, but very happy boy.  The picture is, of course, related.  And the second picture is of him staking his/our territory.  I now apparently work in a “lab,” which I think makes the dog uneasy as he is a retriever.  But I am enjoying it to say the very least.

And I just can’t wait until he has the security scanners installed.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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