Souperbowl of Caring and other ideas……

My wife has a lot of ideas, and when I mean a lot I truly mean A LOT. Most of them are good, and ironically, most of them involve me doing some sort of work. I suppose that’s what you get when you are married to someone addicted to an organized life-style. And she is not just a member of their little society, she is their queen.

Some of her ideas don’t seem to as practical as others. Her attempt to organize a national “Clean Out Your Junk Drawers for Jesus,” as well as her desire for all people to wash and save their sporks so she can send them to her home state of Kansas where they sport the largest collection of sporks outside of Vermont, were both in my min, a bust.

But, a few months ago, she did suggest that we connect up with the “Souperbowl of Caring” (……and that we did. We are now in the process of collection cans of soup (not just soup cans as Father Hicks so brilliantly points out) (okay, as Father Hick’s wife Susan so ably points, out….Father Hicks asked for soup cans….they need to be full…..of soup). Our goal is to collect 1000 cans (of soup) using all our missions as collection points before Superbowl Sunday, which is February 7th. ALL the soup will then be distributed to local feeding programs and pantries!

You can donate for us to buy the soup for you too if you do not live close enough to drop it off by sending a check to St. Michael the Archangel Anglican Church at 3032 State Road 32 East in Westfield, Indiana 46074. Or you can go to the Souperbowl site and enter your zip code to find a drop off location near you!

Thanks for considering being a part. In these difficult economic times, helping those less fortunate than ourselves is more important than ever. And this idea is good one too. It sure beats the “Save the Little Plastic Circle Thingys from the Top of Milk Jugs for Cat Toys” idea that I see on her list for tomorrow.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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