Not exactly what I had in mind…….

Today we took a family trip up to Goshen to visit my grandma. My grandma is 93, in great health, and loves to see all of us anytime we can make it there. As an added bonus my aunt and uncle came up as well, and my cousin Matt who just graduated from Notre Dame in May. It was great to see everyone and it made for a wonderful day!

Of course after writing about Scott and Ben and their plans yesterday, today wasn’t exactly what I would have ever predicted or had in mind. Scott and Ben did get to take their drive together, but it was in my grandma’s new scooter that she rides through the halls of Greencroft where she lives. As a matter of fact, by the time I got my turn on it (with Ben, he went on ALL the rides) Matt had him up and down those halls as well. My grandma thought it was a hoot, and it was a great distraction for Ben who is not really retirement home material.

By the time we got home Ben and Scott did have plans to go get pizza, but there was just too much fog. Tomorrow however is another day, and I think they are eying a few places to go out and get into trouble in together.

Anyway, it is good to be home and good to have seen my family. We are very blessed in many ways, but my family is one of the largest blessings I know. I am so very thankful for them all.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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