Rollin, rollin, rollin……..

Our new bishop, David “Doc” Loomis, came into town last night for a few meetings and a clergy-spouse gathering. We drove quite a few miles, met some very wonderful people, and were able to end the day with a nice dinner with the clergy wives (all but one of them could come). It was a nice time, but I know clearly my body is telling me I need to nap.

And, I can… least for a few hours. Tomorrow morning at 6, I am going on a recruiting visit with my daughter (and another player and her mom) to Tennessee. Both these girls are great lacrosse players and this school is looking at them. Sadly however, since I am not yet packed, it is going to be a long night….or in reality a short one. So I best get to it.

Long and busy days are not unusual for a priest, and today was no exception. I however, am thankful for it. It was a great blessing to me….and I hope your day was blessed as well!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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