Back with our feet on the ground…..sort of

Yep, we are back and though we are exhausted, we are very thankful to be home. It ALSO rained the entire trip home, which pleased me to no end…..NOT!! I was looking forward to a long and relaxing drive, but what I got was a real headache trying to concentrate through the downpour and fog. Tonight sleep will not evade me.

But it was good to be a part of a trip I have worried about her whole entire life…..and especially to see that it did not kill me. I am not sure why my kids leaving for college has always been on my radar and why I have worried about it so. But I guess that is just a part of life. I suppose we should all rejoice in the fact that it hurts to see them go and grow rather than praising God that you can make their rooms into….maybe a second craft room. I am glad it is a bit hard for me, but I am also quite proud. She is ready to venture into the world away from home. She is a great kid and I know she will do well.

Anyway, it is great to be home. I hope you stayed dry! I know we didn’t!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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