Of traumatizing the kids….

Of course Amanda says posting this picture will make Ben hate us as parents when he is older, but after the day he has given us it really doesn’t matter. We started to work very hard on the potty training today, and though he and I BOTH wore our “big boy pants” all day, he peed in his approximately every five minutes, whereas mine were dry all day. I believe it was really just a ploy to see how many pairs of cartoon undies he could wear in a day, but regardless, it was not what any of us would consider successful.

The picture is of one of the times he led us into the bathroom in order to “go,” but it seemed just another way to get to do the stuff he likes…..to flush, to say “bye bye pee pee,” and to wash his hands in the bubbles….oh yes, and to con us out of an M&M. He seems to know exactly what he is doing, and not only got his way, but also got his mom to go out and buy him approximately 600 new dry pairs of cartoon underpants. Anymore undies here and the free world will declare a shortage.

But potty training is not just a part of life, it is important too. After all, he goes to college in 16 years and we want him to go “sans” diapers. After today we are both convinced that it may be close.

Anyway, pray for us. It is a hoot, but it is a challenge as well. He is a bright boy, and we are counting on that….he just needs to be a little brighter tomorrow!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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