Red Leader standing by…………

No, I am no Star Wars geek, and I say that meaning no guile as all my friends who love Star Wars consider themselves geeks.  But I truly am standing by, and wanted to make sure I just checked in.  I have been dealing with quite a few personal crisises, all of which connect to the company Everdry of Northern Indiana, who is now ripping my house apart for yet a third time, causing lots of damage, and insisting they will not pay for any of it at all.  All the new carpet has been ripped up and all the new concrete where they replaced my system that “was not even connected and installed WRONG” is now being ripped up again and guess what??????  They have discovered that even the second time, I was being hosed.  So needless to say, I am watching this all very closely and in between reporting the guy who owns this company and is unbelievably dishonest, to every agency and place I can, including those who investigate crime.  I just want our house back, at this point I am not too sure what he wants.

But regardless, it has been difficult for me not to post as I not only feel bad about it, but I also have missed it.  I suppose I could have done something about it at anytime, but I justified my lack of posting by convincing myself that I was too angry to write.  And yes, I was and AM still very angry, but I remembered the great and wise teachings of “Skipper” the leader of the Penguins of Madagascar who always tells Rico, Kowolski, and Private to “wait for it, wait for it.”  And so I will.  Getting mad or blowing up, though I feel like it, doesn’t accomplish much.  Slow, steady, and methodical however will lead to making sure this guy doesn’t do this stuff to people in the future.  Yes, I want our basement fixed and restored……but more than that I want to do the right thing.

On the upside, I am enjoying having Steph and Ben around all the time, and Steph is doing work for us as she is home for the summer.  She is pretty strong and that has been helpful as she helped tear out all the upstairs carpet today and carry it down to the rented dumpster sitting in our drive.  Tomorrow in the afternoon she will help me take down two dead trees.  And she does all this without complaining or having to wear a superhero suit.

But I am back on the horse as they say, and when I say that I mean the people who apparently have horses and fall off them.  I am a tough old dog, and I do not tire or give up easily.  And yes, I am doing fine and moving ahead, so please do not worry.

I am just laying the foundation for the rest of my year and I am intending and expecting for it to be spectacular.  And as a gesture of good faith in all of it I present you with this fine picture of my two indentured servants, I mean kids, who are working with me this summer, and enjoying an ice cream together.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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