Let’s lace em up……..

This may be an old picture, but of course I asked. My Ortho asked me if I had any questions and I made sure that skating was on my list.  My meniscus wasn’t sewn up today, the part that I damaged was removed. It was a more realistic repair, and it was successful.  I am walking and swollen a bit, bit zero pain.

But his answer was of course!  So in a few weeks I intend to lace up and go rehab via what I love best, to skate. It has been way too long, as we no longer live near a rink, but it will be within weeks, as it was worrying about it that has made the urge so strong. And yes, that is Ben with me a few years back. He is scared to skate like his mom, Steph and Scotty skate like they were born on ice.

But with all my files on back up still, picture files are hard to find, plus there are so few of me as I am usually taking them.  In fact, I have no pictures of when I played other than posed team pictures. But I skate for the love of it, not for someone to see.

Today however has been a fine day. Some surgery and some good news going in and out! But for now it is bed for me, as it has been a long day too. I am thankful for Amanda and the help she has given me and to my doctor, Dr. Sexson, for always doing such a great job!

Goodnight and God Bless!


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