The good guys win!……apparently!

I am writing this from a hotel in COLUMBUS, OHIO where I am staying just about 200 miles from home because I am just too tired to go another foot. As I was in meetings all through the morning in North Carolina, word came in that SNOW was heading into the area and about 8 inches at that! And though for a guy like me (a Northerner) 8 inches is a tolerable amount, I have to admit that tolerable is defined by having these little things called PLOWS in the community…..I am not sure North Carolina has even 1 in the state.

As an affirmation of my decision to try and beat the storm (they were all admitting that if we stayed no one would be going anywhere till Monday) I watched in absolute awe as maintenance guys were throwing “ice melt” down in anticipation of the snow all over the main drags of the parking lot. Don’t get me wrong, ice melt does work….but it really is a waste with 8 inches of snow. So I left and according to the radar, remained just slightly ahead of the storm all the way into mid-Ohio. I went pretty far north and cut across. The more direct route was through Kentucky. Many of my friends live there and had to go home that way. It looked quite treacherous. Please keep all who travel this day in your prayers.

My learning for today however is this: even though I am an experienced northern driver, in reality I need to count on a lot of other people to do their parts as well. Thank God today they have…I am just 3-4 hours from home.

It is great to be back home in the Midwest! Just one short day till I ride in the Activity Bus!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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