Dad….you are such a disappointment!

How do I know that this little guy is really his mom’s son????? BY THE LOOK! Geez….I get this all the time, but never really by him. Apparently all I had to do was pick him up from a play date (involuntarily for the both of us) have his old car seat in the car, (not the illegal big-boy booster seat that he really loves when Scotty had my car seat in his car at school) and mention the word “nap,” and this is what I get. I have been gone for a week, missing him like crazy, and it takes just one wrong move and I am in time out! The poor little guy had no idea, even at this point, that I was going to win.

But win I must. It doesn’t bother me though, it is a look that I am used to. My wife looks this way at me the majority of the time and I am not just immune to it, I have grown quite fond of it too. I have found that it’s when they smile (my family) that I have to worry! My daughter insists that I am the real life version of the Steve Martin character in “The Father of the Bride,” so if you have seen the movie you have a good idea of how my life often goes.

In reality, I enjoy confounding them. It’s all in good fun, even as “the look” is most of the time coming from them (I think…..I hope……..okay, I pray). But it’s my life and I enjoy it.

I hope you have had a blessed Sunday!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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