A downward slide for a good cause…….(240 to 190)

Okay, I have had enough. I have gone back and forth and back and forth on the whole diet and get into shape thing that it has been killing me….literally. Today, I pledge myself to go down down down, with the goal of losing 50 pounds by Easter, April 4, 2010. That’s a little less than a pound a day, which of course seems like a lot, but the first parts always come off so fast, and I do not intend to push it in an unhealthy way.

There are big problems for me that make this even more of a challenge. One, as a “former” athlete, (see my college picture above) I really do not look all that heavy. They say that muscle weighs twice as much as fat, and I know my brain must weigh a ton (yes, that is a joke) BUT in truth it does not matter if your heart has to carry it all around all the time. A 40 pound bag of salt is heavy to carry from the car to the basement, and if you think about never putting it down, well you can imagine the stress it puts on your system. Two, I am a busy guy and always around food that I should not be eating, and though I do pretty well, it is still everywhere. Three, since my stroke in 2008, I take daily meds that make weight gain more probable than loss, and I will not get off them. And finally four, though all my levels are great for a man my age (blood pressure, cholesterol, etc), having a stroke at any time puts you in a different risk category….my numbers need to be lower.

The big thing is to just get back into great shape, as I was pre-stroke in April of 2008. (Yeah, I cannot figure that one out too). But to get there I ask for your prayers. The horrifying thing is to share my weight each day on the top (at the end of the title of the blog) I start at 240 (okay 239.8) but you get the idea. From this point on I hope to go down.

Thanks for your prayers and support in advance. I have talked about this issue before in this blog. I pray for me that this is the last time.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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