Progress???? Well, yes and no…… (235)

Yesterday I not only really watched what I ate, but I went to the gym….something I intend to do every day, hopefully not just until April 4th, but forever. As I have mentioned, the first part of my diet and workout plan looks spectacular. It’s not the top end of a diet that is hard, but the bottom end. The closer to your goal, the more time seems to drag. But I do consider these days to be progress and I am thankful for a happy start.

On the downside, that rat in Pennsylvania saw his shadow, meaning 6 more weeks of winter. Not that I believe you can trust a rat (or any rodent) for anything….I have met quite a few, many in the Church, and they do not ever instill a bit of trust towards them in me at all. But I am a northerner at heart, so even if he gets it right I can handle the weather. All that I take delight in is how the global warming crowd must be angry with him. Not only does Punxsutawney Phil use bad science, much of it causes a questionable frenzy…….I guess they may be mad at him for using the same methodology. Of course Phil has been at it longer.

As for me, I am just glad that it appears we will not need to install French doors on our house so that I can get in. I am sure everyone is happy about that. Sadly, all the fast food places within 5 miles of my house will probably be cutting staff by 50%. I was just eating for the economy.

But please keep me in your prayers. I am certain I will have days ahead that are not so jovial, and I will need your support. Thankfully, I know I can count on it.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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