Contemplating the twins…….(228.4)

We do call the boys “the twins,” though they are 14 years apart, and it would not be too hard to tell that they are brothers….even if you were blind. They act alike, they like many of the same things, and they are always into something together…..and yep, they even look a like too. The other night at Scott’s lacrosse game Ben even brought his stick. And where Scott hit a bunch of people out on the field with his, Ben made sure he clocked all the spectators he could in the walkways. Two peas in a pod I tell you.

When Scott is not here, Ben often talks to him on an imaginary phone. It is clearly not as disturbing as the converse would be, but I would not be surprised if Scott did it. They do like to talk on the phone with each other, and one of Ben’s favorite games is shouting, “Scotty, where are you?” This often occurs while Ben is sitting is his lap.

It seems genetically improbable to have two such amazing and mischievous comedians in one house, but I don’t think about it as much as I enjoy it. Like my dad, I call them by each other’s name…..something I could never understand, but another thing I have just decided to accept. This life is just too short to waste time contemplating on such things. I suppose we all become our parents at one time or another.

But for now I will chase the tornado that is here, Ben, who despite being sick is still able to make an impressive mess. Scott makes them too but is less likely to, seeing as he has a car that can be taken away. If only two year-olds could be persuaded by that kind of pressure!

Up, as I thought, by 1.4 pounds! I have done well however today. I am looking forward to heading down again tomorrow!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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