Sympathies to all the Colts fans…….(228.2)

It really shouldn’t have happened, but the Saints were just too good. So despite all the hype, the Indianapolis Colts will return home the bridesmaid this time rather than the bride…..31-17.

It’s a shame too. Ben, still fighting of his ear infection, stayed up most of the game eating some chocolate “Dibs” while sitting in the chair. His interest was really more the ice cream than the game, which ultimately made me proud since I have plans for him to be a Bears fan like me, rather than a Colts fan like the rest. I do confess that his disinterest probably had more to do with his being a toddler rather than any team loyalty, but for now I will live with my hopeful delusions. I already having him call most bears (other than the cartoon ones) “Chicago Bears” and am slowly indoctrinating him as the Lord would want (since I am certain He is a Bears fan too).

But I do feel very badly for all the people here in Indiana. Going to the Superbowl really does something to a community and that part was great. People really came together, they wore blue everywhere, and their mood was awesome.

I hope and pray they can hold onto it. They had an awesome season and nothing to be ashamed of. They played all the way to the end. And my Bears? Okay, this year our season was just about 3 weeks long……but there is next year!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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