OUCH!!! (230)

If it were not for the 50th birthday party I attended and the Colts game, my weight this morning would have been lower! Yes, there was cake, and yes, I rationalized! (Incidentally, HAPPY BIRTHDAY JEWEL!) But in the end, Jewel (Deacon PT’s wife who is our Treasurer) was not thrilled about being 50, and I am definitely not thrilled about being 230!

What makes it worse for me is what it has done for me all day. It has really got me down and when I get down….I EAT! Who knows what i will be in the morning, but I clearly overshot my goal of 225 this morning! I pray that I get back on track!!

But, in retrospect, Sunday and today were fun days. I think when problems arise we can get so caught up in them that we lose sight of the goal! Battles will be won and lost….what I am interested in is the war. I will finish it on top……keep me in your prayers.

Cake, particularly birthday cake, will always be a weakness! If the world were just asparagus, I would be fine. But tomorrow is another day…..I am expecting a pretty awful weigh-in, but I will hold my head high and move ahead. It is no one’s fault but my own….I appreciate your prayers too.

I am still hanging in there with plenty of time to go!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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