Do it!! (228.4)

After over 20 years in the “clergy-business,” I am still surprised at how many people see faith as something they do, rather than something that defines who they are. They “attend” or “miss” church as if it were just an event…..something to schedule in a calendar among all the rest of life, rather than experiencing it as a vital part of life instead. It doesn’t just frustrate me, it saddens me, for I know a faith-first existence puts everything else in this life into place. And looking around, I believe it is just what people need.

In truth, the Lord doesn’t want us to just pencil Him in, or a piece of us…..He wants ALL of us….He wants YOU! Understanding this is really a first-order issue in life and leads to the building of a solid foundation…..and it is a gift I would love to give to you!

I am like most people, busy beyond belief, and perhaps more so than most. I have three kids that I am an active parent to. I have a demanding wife, I mean a demanding life-style, and a LOVELY wife. I coach high school lacrosse. I currently serve a parish with 6 worship sites and
beyond that have job responsibilities to an area encompassing both Indiana and Illinois. What does all of it mean without faith???? Nothing! It is just a rat race to run. But what does it mean with faith? Everything, for faith gives all of it, all of life, meaning.

My life is lived now with purpose and meaning, and for it I am thankful. It wasn’t always that way….but it is now. God call us all to something deeper, and I am glad I have answered that call……but my question is, how about you?

If your life is not all you want it to be, or missing something, or maybe even you have the desire for something more, God offers it to you even now. Talk to a pastor or Christian friend, get into church (not as an appointment, but as a commitment) and make the choice to live life differently. It will change you I promise and give your life the purpose and meaning you were created to experience!

Off to bed for me! Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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