It’s Da Bomb….but not really. (226.8)

It has been a bizarre day. The kids called from their cars at school just as school was suppose to start saying that there was a BOMB THREAT there and they were sent immediately back to their cars. Sure enough it was true. Police and news crews were soon everywhere and it took about an hour before school was canceled and they were all sent home. As the police arrived they had all been evacuated even from the lot to another school. Thank God for the electronic age. I was always in contact with them both and was able to always know they were fine. In turn, I was able to communicate that to Amanda too. As scary as something like this is, being able to know the kids were fine made it tolerable.

There is good news and bad news in it all. The good news is that there was no bomb and that no one got hurt at all. The bad news is the reality that there are idiots out there……..even in Indiana, which bothers me a great deal. My kids and the people I knew had been evacuated from the building. I was able to deal with that. But what about the family and friends of those brave souls who were going IN……or the brave souls themselves. I am sure it was a difficult day for them all.

In the end I thank God that it was just a hoax, and I pray for the person who did it for he or she is truly a troubled human being. I am just thankful it is resolved and that the kids can get back to having to study and learn just like we did in the old days.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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