DEFCON 2…….(228…again!)

Today was a tense day. First of all my weight went up to 228, which I expected with the big Valentine dinner and all, and second because of what happened this morning. Amanda was going to stay up north and teach Sunday School in Westfield and Kokomo, but I was scheduled for a 9:00 am service at St. Matthew’s in Nashville. Scott, Ben, and I, as we often do, set out quite early to make the just under two hour trek there.

But we were just far enough into our trip where we could not turn back to get anything we forgot and make it on time when Ben said the chilling words, “blue blankey.” He was looking for his blanket, and it is something (as he will tell you) he HAS TO HAVE! And a quick search of the car showed me quite clearly what an irresponsible doof Scott was for forgetting it. (Note to readers….if you would read Scott’s blog he would be saying the same thing about me, but since he doesn’t have one and I can take away his car, I can blame it on him!) So needless to say, we were on pins and needles all the way down, and indeed all the way back, since he wanted it then too.

The good news is that I am certain that neither Scott nor I will EVER forget it again. Toddlers can be pretty persistent, even 4 hours worth of persistent, but at least there was no total meltdown and thus the “Defcon 2.”

We did get back and made our rendezvous with Amanda in order to drop her off at the airport tonight and we now have the house to ourselves. We considered putting up 72 hours of sports posters and cartoon pictures, but Stephanie is returning home tomorrow night and would certainly tell. So for now we will just enjoy our one night as complete bachelors and leave the mischief for another day. At least today was an adventure, and for boys that’s what we live for! It has been a blessed day! We ended the trip home with a little horseback riding…please make sure you do not tell Amanda!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless. Envy us! We are eating goldfish crackers and chugging chocolate milk!


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