Together again……(226)

Yes, this is a picture from a couple days ago because neither of these two lovebirds could hold still long enough for me to get a picture without blurring. The video however (of what Ben calls “the tunnel”) is from tonight. For tonight we hit the airport for the anticipated reunion of Ben and Amanda and they did not disappoint. You could probably hear the “mommy mommy mommy” from three counties over and for Scot and I it was well worth it. We had already jacked him all up with pancakes and syrup at Christ the King in Kokomo for their Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper, but I do not think it all came, nor most came, from the sugar. It was pure love for his mom…..louder in fact than the airplanes!

But the excitement has died down and we are now home. I am in bed typing which is a rarity. And yes, Ben is in here as he has been while she has been gone, but this time he is suspiciously absent from this side of the bed.

I won’t complain. They are the lights of each others’ lives and they are happy to be together. And more than that…..tonight I will sleep without his little feet draped across my head!!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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