I just don’t wanna look….. (224)

This diet thing has me going bonkers. I weigh in every morning, but in reality I really do not want to look. Part of my Lenten Discipline is to make sure the weight comes off, but I am finding the anxiety of the looming scale each morning to be overwhelming. I will be heading out of town from Sunday to Wednesday of next week, and perhaps being away from the scales will do me some good. But you just do not eat as healthy as you do when you are on the road. I hope the trip finds me dropping a few pounds!

Today was a big “catch-up” day for me. I spent most of it working from home and finished the day at one of Scotty’s indoor games. The high school women’s team plays tomorrow night and I am looking forward to it too. It will be a great start to the weekend…..AND, there is just this and one more game till our regular season starts! Yep…practice begins (snow or not) March 1st!

But for now I will call it a day. I am in the north tomorrow most of the day and then back for a 4:25 game. Tomorrow will be busy, but well worth it.

My hope and prayer for you is that you have had a blessed day!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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