RAPPING up yet another day……(222)

It has been a very long day, and I am so very pleased to say I have finished it (wrapped it up as us old people say…or rapped as anyone under 20 would say). I have a light schedule for tomorrow, so since I am the parent of a toddler, I am guessing that I will probably get to sleep in until at least 7:30! I am just glad to be home.

I was very encouraged by my weight this morning and I appreciate your ongoing prayers. I did not have a very disciplined evening, so I am worried about the morning. I suppose I could get off the habit of a weigh-in each day, and I will this coming week as I travel, but I really do feel the morning weigh-ins, as well as the posting of my weight each day, helps keep me accountable. What I probably also need a Drill Sargent following me around 24/7, but in the absence of one I suppose the current system will just have to do.

I appreciate your walking with me on this journey.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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