Going bye with a little help from my fiends………

Since I am leaving for a conference on church planting tomorrow in Texas, I thought I would enlist the help of Ben to write my blog. He and I started to look at pictures together and I decided I would let him pick. He chose this one, first by saying “ahhhh” when he saw it, followed by “he’s so cute.” Of course when I asked him WHO it was, he said something about a “baby” and “birthday cake.” He’s a total hoot. He is totally like one of those celebrities who sees and talks about themselves in the third person. Ben however is just about 2 3/4…..the celebrities are just goofballs!

It was good to have the time with him and to get his input as well. I was so pleased to have risen to the level of his full attention rather than his chief tent-maker (I am the one who puts the blankets over his bus to make a “tent” it is rarely used as a bus) or the jungle gym when Scott is not around. I really was pleased to be able to delve into his creative side, and I am pleased to report that he seems to be just a little bit more blessed in it than either Scott or me. Both Scott and I would pick this picture for the cake the fire. We wouldn’t see the different levels or the artistic complexities that the pros do.

Anyway, thanks for the help and the day Ben! It really does make make posting it worth it. I will be Dallas by midnight tomorrow and you will be in bed. Dallas is the home to many different things, but somehow all I can think about is cake. Maybe dad will get him some, after all he is on a diet…..but everything is guilt-free in Texas.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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