Get Behind Me Satan…….

One of the downsides of traveling with one of your best friends is that it occasionally can lead to trouble. AND, without Amanda and Marie here to keep us level, there are certain liberties that we take. Oh no, it is not anything immoral. Neither one of us has any intention to get into trouble. But with me on a diet, and us around very little healthy, the formula is more problematic than you could ever imagine.

The picture, I must confess, is really unfair. Father Kelly has been more than exemplary in his witness to dietary discipline….okay, up until the nachos tonight in our hotel room. But for the whole time I have been with him he has eaten mostly fish. Of course for me, being allergic to fish, no matter what its calorie count was, even if zero, would not produce the desired outcome. I will confess though, I will not step on a scale till Sunday morning. I have been pretty good, but pretty good when you travel is nothing I want to bet my life on.

I am happy however to report that the conference is going well. We have heard from quite a few people and have been blessed by their sharing. The Archbishop is calling for the planting of 1000 congregations in 5 years, and I hope to enthusiastically do our part.

Ironically, it is supposed to SNOW here in Dallas tomorrow and I may be the only one in Texas who will know how to drive in it. Please pray for us down here, not just for the mission of the Church, but for the people……..I do not think they have even one plow in all of Texas. Everything’s bigger and better???? Right….a couple of inches of snow never paralyzes us in Indiana!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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