Sermon Indecision……

We have returned from our short family trip, and the sad part about it all is that it is late AND I do not yet have a sermon for tomorrow. I thought this was the ideal picture for this topic too. Because if I had the time I might talk about the creation of the world, using Michelangelo’s creation (and of course the Bible) as a start. It appears that Ben (playing man here) seems a little reluctant to touch the finger of God (played by Scott) in the beginning of the world (here played by the St. Charles Bob Evans). As you can see, it was far too complicated for a sermon, and clearly (more clearly in fact as we go along) for a blog entry too.

So tomorrow I will trust that the Lord will give me something to say, and I hope it is good. If it is I will mention that I played a part, and if not I will just blame it on Him directly…..after all, He should have known what He was getting in calling me into the priesthood. I think we can all say that was mostly His fault. After all, most people felt I would have been suited making plates (for cars) in the big house….I personally was thinking of show business. I guess the Lord knew what He was doing after all….the priesthood is right in between them both!

Anyway, it will be good to sleep in my own bed! I did get to Wednesday and Thursday, but that seems so long ago! Tomorrow is already looking to be too busy! I have two services in the morning, take Amanda to the airport for a work trip she is leaving on at 3:30, and then will do a third service at 4pm in Indy. If we finish in time, I may try to make the 6 pm one in Brownsburg too!

So look for us tomorrow….Scotty, Ben and I for sure (Steph will be working). We will be flying from place to place, but I am sure you’ll recognize us. I will be the one tomorrow playing the priest!

Goodnight (from INDIANA – YEA!) and God Bless!


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