White Smoke!!! (226)

There are only two times when the white smoke comes from the chimney of the Vatican…..the first is when the College of Cardinals elect a Pope, and of course the second is when my daughter Stephanie commits and signs with a college. I will not ruin the surprise with the details, since grandparents often read this blog, and those details are her responsibility with everyone….BUT that white smoke is blowing out that chimney! We are very proud of her.

I will say that I knew this day would come, and it is yet another maker for one of THE DAYS I have dreaded her whole life. I have made it through a few…..boyfriends, driving, boyfriends, trips away, and of course boyfriends. The REAL biggies are coming though. She will be moving away in August and if that doesn’t kill me I figure within 10 years I will probably meet the “permanent” boyfriend (I can hear it now….”Daddy, we are in love and engaged”) which will probably take the rest of me! But I am doing the best I can to prepare. It is a strange feeling…….in between proud and horrified. I love who she is, and what she has done, and where she is heading…… I just wish we could keep her! Kids are hard to let grow up.

So for now we will bask in the glory of the white smoke. I will post the details as soon as she is done notifying everyone.

Goodnight from a very proud father and God Bless!


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