Playing like a champion and the fit club…… (224.2)

What a great day! After a full day of work and practice (which was awesome), Ben and I went to the boy’s indoor high school tournament at Off the Wall. Twelve teams were vying for the title, and Scotty’s team was seeded third.

And though Ben was a trooper through much of it, as Scotty’s team advanced, Ben decided to through a “fit,” and what a fit it was. He threw himself on the floor at the end of the walkway and really made me consider why I had brought him there in the first place.

It’s funny how God can give you a little direction in your life during the times you least expect it. Everything about what was happening (the fit was in Scotty’s first game) made me feel that perhaps I just needed to take Ben home. It was then close to 7pm, and I could take him home and just put him to bed. But something just ached in me to stay. I knew it meant the possibility of wrestling him for as long as it took, and I also knew what I was seeing in Ben could just be the tip of the iceberg. But against all that was begging me to take him home, I decided to stay.

The wonder of it all is that it was all worth it. The picture above is the fit, the picture below it Ben and Scott looking at his medal. That’s right, they played great and made it though it all. Ben gave up his fit, and by 9:30 when we left, I think Ben and I both would agree (as much as a two year old can agree) that we both had a great time.

Today blessings have abounded. I am thankful for them all. Ben slept in the car for the 20 minute drive home and now has decided to be awake. Even that, though I am ready to collapse, I will consider a blessing! I hope your day has been just as wonderful!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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