All is well with my soul…….

Well, well, well……no, not in a wishing well kind of thing, as I already have thrown away enough money in my life to understand that tossing it into a hole with water that I do not believe in has never gotten anyone anywhere, but I do mean well in terms of with my soul.  And that might surprise you as Everdry is still not finished with my house and is now digging up multiple well sized holes around my foundation.  (Fortunately I had already thrown that money away).

But I have a great sense of peace in that this too will pass.  I will have my basement finished (hopefully before I die) and we are trying to file charges (criminal – fraud) against this company as well as we will be suing them for damages to our home.  I however can get worked up about all that and be miserable, or just take a deep breath and hook my washer and dryer back up for the umpteenth (but final) time and pour me a nightcap.  And I will choose the latter.

And then on anther front, since I was stuck here yet again today, I spent 2 hours on the phone with Linksys about my “wireless bridge.”  No, this is not like Mackinaw, it is an electronic thing that connects EVERYTHING together in my office.  And after two hours what we discovered is that it was BAD!!!!  Go figure.  So this is to say that in the middle of all the dang nonsense with my house, my frustrations with restoring my computer and office after the mechanical failure of my hard drive were all being undermined by a bad bridge!

But I have a great sense of peace in that this too will pass.  I will have my office and computer restored (hopefully before I die) and we are trying to find a psychiatrist to make a diagnosis (stupidity on my part) for me as well as we will be mocking me for impersonating someone competent about computers.  I however can get worked up about all that and be miserable, or just take a deep breath and restart my blog posting for the umpteenth (but final, I promise) time and pour me a nightcap.  And I will choose the latter.

All I can say is that my life is interesting to say the very least.  Some people complain about the boredom and monotony, I however have nothing but pure and unfiltered drama.  And I suppose like Job (he is in the Bible, I swear) I could dress in sackcloth and ashes and lament my life, or I could pour me a nightcap and admire all the cool new wells they are digging in my yard…….

I will choose the latter.  Please enjoy this unrelated picture of Ben Tirman eating a sandwich tonight in our hallway.  He is our wishing well and we have tossed more into him that you could ever know!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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