Oh the humanity!!!! (221.6)

Yes, the picture is old….at least a few months old, but Viper clearly reflects a bit about how I am feeling about my day.

I had two relatively uneventful flights to Little Rock, and was happy to arrive. It is a beautiful retreat center just west of the city. And though I predicted I might not have cell or Internet here in yesterday’s blog, what I failed to comprehend was that I ought to call and check in with my family before I got here.

I know what the neurologists say about strokes and what they consider “complete recovery.” And though I certainly fit that definition what I can say is that definition comes from men and women who themselves have never had a stroke. It is different I tell you. Sure, people always say, “oh I forget things all the time…it is just your age.” But I vehemently disagree because before my stroke I was not a moron. PLUS, things like this bother you, and can almost to the point of obsession. I am SURE I looked like an idiot tonight walking around the main cabin with my phone in the air trying to get a text off to Amanda. Had I known that I could sign onto the Internet, which I found out as I got to bed, then I would have been more relaxed. Everyone will probably avoid me tomorrow thinking that is that crazy priest who talks to the sky with his phone in the air, but why should I worry??? I have been labeled worse!

But anyway, I am here, safe and sound, and in my bed. I was able to weigh myself before I left but am not too optimistic about losing or maintaining here. Church conference centers don’t help you there. Even the salad options had nothing low or no fat. I am hopeful to survive it with minimal damage.

So off to bed I go. It is an amazing group of people I am down here with who do some amazing work. They are real leaders in the faith. It is a blessing to be among them……..but I do miss being at home.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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