Surprises abound……..

Surprises abound, that’s for sure. I am still in Little Rock, supposedly close to civilization and even saw a bit of it today. The bishop took a group of us to the movies tonight, something that I had not done in years. The bishop is actually an old seminary classmate of mine and it was an awesome idea. We split into two groups, one to see something called “Eli” something or another, and five of us saw “Crazy Heart.” I will not comment on it either, because my wife is one of those who talks too much about movies and I will never watch anything with her that she has seen first…..she gives clues to what is going to happen. If you want to know about it, go see it. That’s what I say.

But I suppose for those who know me, the surprise would have been that I was in an actual movie theater. I have been in them before, but I mostly spend my time watching goofy stuff with the kids at home. I really do not require a screen as big as a football field or a popcorn that costs as much as tuition. But what amazed me was something that I saw.

Now I have been to New York, I have lived in the Washington DC area, and I have even blogged about my experiences as a hayseed in the middle of the San Francisco airport. But in Arkansas, what I thought was the conservative south, as we were waiting for another group, a young couple walked by us with the girl tethered to her boyfriend BY A LEASH.

Of course my first question to myself was that my dog Viper never needs a leash, though he likes his, so why did SHE need one? Was he desperate that she would run away? He actually walked her to the bathroom and unhooked her, which I suppose was a relief to us all, but then he went in the men’s room… running away probably wasn’t it. And why here, in Arkansas? Were they visiting from New York or the San Francisco airport? And most importantly what movie would a leashed couple go see? My simple mind was about to explode.

My only regret is that they were walking away as the other group came out of their movie. I was going to introduce myself and see if I could get a picture with them for the blog…..sadly I failed.

But I learned something today…….goofy people exist everywhere, and I will add something that I know……and God loves them all. And I would not be surprised to read on someone from Little Rock’s blog……. “I was surprised tonight as I took Suzie out for a walk at the movie theater…it had been invaded by a bishop and a bunch of priests…..pretty weird, huh?”

Goodnight from a tired and confused me in Arkansas….and God Bless!


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