Reflections on my search for a Razorback…….

Though I spent the lion’s share of the week in Arkansas (my first trip there ever), I was never able to find me a razorback, and as a matter of fact I am not certain I would have known what one was if I saw one. Like a Hoosier (in my mind) being a person from Indiana University, I am pretty sure a Razorback is someone from the University of Arkansas. I suppose I will ask some people in my family, because MANY Tirmans are from Arkansas and some still live in Little Rock and Fayetteville….but that is really another issue.

But as I was out on the banks of what I shall call “Ferncliff Lake” looking for the elusive Razorback because I do not know what they actually call that lake there, I was feeling a bit down. I had no real way to call my family with any reliability, and I wanted to just talk to the kids and Amanda like I do everyday. I was also convinced that it was highly unlikely that I would be successful on any front….but it was then I saw him. From about 100 yards away he came, and came with fire in his eyes. Was it a Razorback, no, not at all… was actually Dempsey, the Ferncliff Lake Camp Dog on a walk with his mom, Abby!

In truth, he was just what I needed. At six months old this Dachsund/Beagle mix raced up to me and made it absolutlely impossible for me to feel down at all. He was more excited to see me than Ben when I have an ice cream sandwich, and spent his time visiting till Abby caught up with him. We had a great conversation about Dempsey, the camp, and her job there and then it was Dempsey’s time to patrol the rest of the camp. He really lifted my spirits, like a good camp dog is supposed to do, and was on his way. He made my day and it was clear that Abby was as fnd of him and he was of her. It was a great blessing to my time there.

Sadly, by the time I thought I ought to get a picture of him, he and Abby were on the other side of the lake where she lives. She apparently lives with the camp cat too, because the cat hanging out over there on the other side of the lake was absolutely AMBUSHED by Dempsey as he made his way along the opposite shore! It was so funny and another lift to my day, but I will admit, probably not for the cat.

And the picture is actually the real McCoy….Dempsy. I did an “Abby and Ferncliff” search on Facebook and found her to ask her for a picture, for I was convinced I probably could not lure him back without being a cat or a squirrel. But THANKS ABBY for the picture. Dempsey, as I am sure you know, is a blessing. He may not be a real Razorback…but if I had my choice I would take a great camp dog any day! Friends if you ever get down to Little Rock I recommend you give Dempsey and Ferncliff and try! They are well worth the trip and a real blessing!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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