Post 600! The (hopeful) move to the big-boy bed……

Yep, this is my 600th post, and no, the big-boy bed is not for me (I was able to move into mine a few years back)…the big-boy bed is Ben’s. He has managed to snake his way into our bed enough that we made the decision to convert his crib. It can be, and yesterday was, converted to a day bed. We will now see if that means ANYTHING to Ben.

The picture is hopeful. It is of Scotty and Ben getting ready for their first slumber party in Ben’s room. Scotty is tired enough and seem committed to the inflatable mattress we put in there next to the big-boy bed. Viper has no clue as to anything they are doing, but as a Golden Retriever, he is committed to sleeping anywhere. This, I believe in theory, means we have a chance of Ben staying in there. Reality however is another thing. Time will and I am hopeful.

Other than that, indoor lacrosse is now over and tomorrow our team plays in a gathering of teams used to rate new officials. The boys have games tomorrow as well. The next 90 days will be a whirl, but we are excited about them. Hopefully they will all be filled with wonderfully rested people who are blessed by a 2 year old actually sleeping in his big boy bed!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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