Feeling like a dog…….

Yep, today is done, but I feel like a dog, which when you raise Golden Retrievers is not a bad thing at all. They seem to enjoy life all the time, and tonight as I reflect upon my day I have to say I am feeling good….but like good old Viper.

It amazes me to look at him. He is just 6, but his face is all gray. It certainly didn’t get that way by stress or worry. Dear Lord, he sleeps about 23 hours a day, and I couldn’t even get him to stand up in the car to get his picture taken. He knows who he is, what he likes, and he does it. When we play, he plays, he is active and fast in the yard, but more than any of God’s creatures I have met, he knows what he likes and is comfortable just being himself. God sure knew what he was doing when He created the Golden Retriever.

I of course am not nearly as comfortable as he is, but I am learning by sitting at the paws of the master. I probably wouldn’t get as much done adopting his lifestyle, and my wife would probably notice all the sleeping…..BUT, there is much that a Golden can teach us. Here are just a few things from today I thought of…..

1. We can always be happy to see each other. 2. Make time for the tail wag (let others know you are happy with them) 3. We all need treats every now and again. 4.) You can always find a pillow, but you can also be a pillow to someone in need. 5. We can get along with those with whom we disagree, even cats. 6. Take time to go for rides, and be excited about them too. 7. Find you joy in even the small things. And even though I could go on (and on) 8, love your family, because you belong to each other.

Viper, Scott and I just got back from meeting PT at about 9:30, so the day is done and I will head to bed. I hope to just go to sleep…..I have tried that sleeping with all four limbs in the air thing that he does, but it just doesn’t relax me. I can learn a lot from him, but that’s where it stops. I try really hard to keep my wife’s attention, but I really think that would be going about it in the wrong way!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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