The brain is a funny thing……

Yep, it happened…..I finally missed a post after a long and healthy steak. I hadn’t intended to skip one, and as a matter of fact had worked a full day with every intent to post. But after an early dinner I laid down for what I intended to be a little rest (just after 6pm) and didn’t get up until the next morning. It is not a new thing to me, and happens occasionally. I just wish it would make an appointment to do so, because though my brain needs rest and sleep, the rest of me often has plans.

But today has been normal all day, well at least most of it that is. Meetings and then lacrosse. We have A LOT of girls sick or nursing injuries right now so it did not help when Stephanie came across the field towards me clutching her chest. We had he lay down and I had my phone out to call the paramedics, when she mentioned these pains to the doctor last week when she was in having him look at her knee (an x-ray was negative). He had told her something that she hadn’t bothered sharing last week, but she told us there on the field. And that, combined with her suddenly feeling much better, had us making different decisions. She was soon on a cart heading into the training room at the high school where there were people to assess her better, and then heading to the doc for an EKG (she passed) and tomorrow for an x-ray of her chest. She is not to practice till after being cleared next Monday, and she will heed that advice. Fortunately I was well rested or my head would have certainly exploded!

So Stephanie will help coach for the next week, and hopefully next Tuesday she can play in the season opener. Scott’s opener is Tuesday, and as you can see, Ben’s is a long way off. He apparently doesn’t even want to walk.

But I am so very pleased to just have survived the day. All that sleep was helpful to make it through. I used to think that a stroke damages your brain and often makes things harder, but today I was suspicious. Could it be mine knew I needed all that rest in advance? I don’t know. But I certainly like to entertain the thought that it might be secretly brilliant!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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