Stress and idle time are not my friends…. (221.6)

I really had a great day with my diet and was looking forward to weighing myself in the morning. I had anticipated breaking the 220 mark, which is huge for me, but instead I let the stress of the day call me down a bad path. It is an awful thing too. You know that you are doing it, but you have very little self-control. I will both weigh in AND post tomorrow. I just hope the damage is not too severe. I took this picture of myself in an attempt to share with others just how hard it is….obviously I look like hell.

I just need to get a grip I suppose. When I was an athlete, I worked through every problem. Now I seem to just make excuses and it is frustrating……I have seen the enemy and it is me! I have three weeks to go and clearly I will not make it unless I eat NOTHING ELSE and exercise the entire time. But the battle is not a time line, it is larger than that. I need to win the war and for good!

Anyway, I appreciate your prayers and support. I would like to be close to 200 by Easter. It would still be a big thing. But to get there I need to readjust…..and I am trying that now. Time will tell how I do, but despite my mistakes, I keep at it. I really do want to succeed.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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