Drinking in isolation……..

Wow…..it was the best of days, it was the worst of days. I was upset with a bit of binge eating and since I was not at home today ALL DAY I continued to eat out of convenience rather than being able to get to what I needed to eat. It upsets me, but you cannot cry over spilled milk as they say. I can only control what I am doing now and in the future. I will have a good few days.

After practice this afternoon Ben and I headed down to Heritage Christian where our boy’s team was playing tonight. We won both games and Scott had a goal and a couple of assists in his, and it was a good time.

Of course I was there with a 2 year old, and that’s why we say apart and really had one full set of bleachers to ourselves. (The others were full of fans.) The players of mine that were there all said hi to Ben and I, yet I noticed none of them stayed with us, nor did any offer to entertain either Ben or I……smart girls, very smart. It is pretty awesome to see our boy’s and girl’s teams out supporting each other. Sure, some of them have to because they are dating, but generally they like to come to each others’ games.

But we were off by ourselves (in the next set of bleachers) drinking (Diet Soda) in isolation. People could watch the game without all the screaming and running, and we were able to see the game and play like maniacs. It was a lot of fun.

So the boy’s are into the games that count and we open on Tuesday, like them, away. We will take the same field on Friday night against Heritage and hope to fare as well. It is a great program, and what I like about many of our schools, we coaches are friends and actually, our girls are friends too. It will be an exciting evening.

So it is off to bed for me before I turn into whatever something this old turns into when it has done too much in a day. Ben has just had a bath and is talking a mile a minute……I hope he gives it up. I am clearly not too long for this night!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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