The day that wasn’t…….

I was scheduled to be out of town today, in Fort Wayne in fact, to join the Bishop with two of our congregations up there and to visit with a few candidates for ordination. Sadly, it was a day with an agenda that just wasn’t meant to be.

At 5am, as I was getting ready to leave, Amanda shared with me that she was getting a migraine and that she had already had the lower does of the medicines we keep here to stave them off, but that she wanted me to get the rest. She told me she thought I should still go to Fort Wayne, but this was not my first rodeo. She rarely takes the full home dose, and these times often turn into trips to the ER for shots. PLUS, we live in a house with a 2 YEAR OLD. She was already complaining about the light and the noise (when neither were that bad) so I made the decision right then to stay home. I still had to wait a few hours before notifying anyone in Fort Wayne because they were still sleeping, but the blessing was that I was already scheduled up north so there wouldn’t need to be any reshuffling down here. All our churches were already covered.

So the day has been quite odd. Ben and I have spent the entire day together and his energy would have done his mom in, (and had I left me, via homicide when I got home) but we have had a good day. There was no milk here, so I was able to take him on a late morning trip to the Kroger. I learned a few things too, such as everyone shops on Sunday morning at Kroger… I may be planting a church there. But we did get what we need and Ben has eaten and worn a LOT of sugar free pudding and other things to keep his mind off his mom sleeping upstairs.

And Amanda never did need the shot, and she did come down for maybe 15 minutes and ate before disappearing upstairs. Being awake 15 minutes in 24+ hours may seem a bit worrisome to most, but to people in the families of migraine sufferers, we all know that is means she will probably be back among the living tomorrow! She will be slow, but moving.

The good part is that we have all survived the day. Praise God, it is almost over too!

Goodnight to you all my friends and God Bless.


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