Living the vida loca……….

It is good to be a dog… least it is good to be Viper. Though all of us were scrambling to keep up with the day, Viper spent the day at the “spa” so they say. He got a bath, a grooming, lots of attention, and then some treats. To make matters even more pathetic, Amanda made sure he got a new dog bed to boot. I guess being all gussied up in no good if you have to sleep on the clean carpet in the house.

The sad reality is that Viper couldn’t care or not whether he was in a dog bed or not. If it were a bed of nails, he would be on his back with all four feet in the air snoring. He is a smart boy though. He has been on this new bed a lot, particularly when Amanda has been walking by. He knows which side his biscuits are buttered on, (to force a cheesy expression into the dog world) and he has been exploiting it all night long. I am thinking he likes the days she emerges from migraines…..she is a little loopy and much easier to deal with if you are a shedder…..not a problem I have with my military style haircuts.

So it is off to bed for us both. Me on my old well worn mattress and Viper on the Royal Pillow. I hold no grudges against him though. I would not mind be spoiled a bit myself.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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