Shooting for the stars…….

Yep, it took Ben just shy of three years before he could dunk, whereas I am just shy of 49 and still have a 3/4 inch vertical leap. That’s what all my kids love about me…..I set the bar pretty low.

But Ben and I were out in the driveway playing basketball and soccer tonight, obviously in the dark. Playing any kind of “game” with a 2 year old is a blast, as long as you are not concerned with anything like “rules.” He made everything up as we went along, yet there was one consistent theme…..make dad do all the work. At my age it is quite suspicious, seeing as he seems to work for my wife and they both would benefit from my demise. It seems much more brilliant than poison! But at least I will go having a great time.

It reminded me of all the times I played with Steph and Scott, and often with the same unfair and made up rules. There were times that I wondered if either of them would learn to do anything really athletic, but in time they were beating me in driveway sports and have turned out to be athletes in their own right.

Perhaps I should see that there is hope for even a 2 year old….of course I’ll probably never see it. At the way he cheats and has me running I expect I will be in heaven before he is even 5!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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